Week 13
Linux is a family of Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel. In my opinion Linux has many advantages over another OSs and one of them is as it is open-source everyone can access the code customizing and modifying it in a way he likes. That's why there are over 600 linux distributions now and about 500 are in development. As we should pick 2 of them and discuss I would like to discuss the most unusual ones.
Hannah Montana Linux
This distribution is dedicated to fans of the series "Hannah Montana" - where Hannah Montana is an ordinary schoolgirl during the day and becomes a singer at night. Only a single version based on Kubuntu 9.04 has been released. Kubuntu itself is a linux distrubution, that was first presented on December 10, 2004 at the Ubuntu Mataro Conference in Mataro, Spain. It uses the KDE graphical environment instead of the default Ubuntu GNOME. Most of all distributors are not lazy to change the name of the system somewhere, but this Hannah Montana distribution does not have a changed name and it differs from the usual Kubuntu 9.04 only in additional wallpapers and themes in the style of the "Hannah Montana" series and is specifically targeted at fans of the series. That's why this distribution looks really weird.

Red star OS
Red Star OS is based on Fedora(linux distribution) and built in North Korea for North Korean users. This distribution was officially approved by the order of Kim Jong Il. The first version of the distribution was released in 2008, and this version resembled Windows XP, including Wine. But the development of Red Star OS started back in 2002. The second version of this distribution was released on June 3, 2009, but began to have its own browser "Naenara" ("My country") based on Firefox, which may support the DPRK's own Internet - "intranet". Red Star OS 3.0 is the most famous version of this distribution, which was released on April 15, 2012. Compared to its predecessors, it began to look similar to Mac OS X. The difference between this version and many distributions and older versions of Red Star OS is the prohibition on the sudo and su commands - commands that give administrative rights in Linux and UNIX.If the user tries to disable security features, the operating system may restart or destroy itself. In addition, the watermarking tool integrated into the system labels all media content with the serial number of the hard drive. This allows the North Korean authorities to track the distribution of the files.

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