Week 1 One luck comes from a thousand of failures
- "I have not failed. I've just found ten thousand ways that won't work" by Thomas Edison. As we all know the inventions and new technologies are significant for human progress. However, there are many examples of disappointments and failures in history associated with inventions, which still happen in today's world. Some inventions failed due to their uselessness, some are just ahead of their time. Likely some startups or inventions that are considered as failures will gain popularity in future.
1) Segway

The goal of the company was very ambitious, namely, the organizers of the Segway startup swung at the creation of a radically new apparatus for human movement. We are talking about two-wheeled vehicles, which could become an excellent alternative to modern cars, but with the condition of environmentally friendly use. The budget for this idea was $ 125 million. It proved to be more prosaic to use this middle-income model, something in between driving a regular car and walking. Consumers have come to the conclusion that they do not need such an innovation, since there is already a vehicle that is ready to perform these functions - this is a bicycle.
2) 3D TV

Ten years ago, having a TV with a 3D button on the remote control and glasses in the kit was very cool. Many people dreamed about 3D TV in their houses and this technology was going to change the world, but, finally, turned out to be useless. 3D technology failed due to many reasons and its drawbacks. Watching TV in 3D glasses causes eye strain, even if you watch it for short time, plus content translation into 3D is costly . In addition, 3D is also prone to giving some people headaches and motion sickness, which again, can make it harder to watch a film or 3D content.
3) Google Fiber

Google Fiber was really promising development of Google, that is based on the idea of creating capacities for the multiband Internet cable. The network infrastructure and tariffs were fully designed by 2012, all the information on Google Fiber was announced by official representatives and did not raise doubts.
However, immediately after implementation of the idea in several US cities, the project was canceled for unknown reasons. For users who managed to connect to the network, service is still provided, but Google representatives said that work in this area is being phased out.
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