Week 9
In this topic I will discuss how actually important is the design of the product and examples where bad design had led to sad consequences, while good design helped to avoid them. For many people design is first of all how the product looks like, but actually design is also the functionality of the product (how it works) and its value to consumers. Design defines how a brand interacts with a consumer.
Air Inter Flight 148 Crashed Because a Display Screen Was Too Small
Air Intel Flight 148 crashed while it was approaching an airport in Strasbourg in 1992. The pilots started to descend the plane toward the airport at an angle of -3.3 degrees (this is how they thought) which stands for the descent rate of 800 feet per minute. They inserted the right number "-3.3", but the thing was that the measurement was wrong and -3.3 was interpreted as feet per minute, instead of degrees. The actual descent rate was 3,300 feet per minute, which is over four times faster than they intended and the autopilot display screen gave no hints as to what mode they were using. Unfortunately, this incident finished tragically and the plane crashed into mountain. So probably, this catastrophe could be avoided if the display interface could be designed in a way, where measurement would be always noticable.

Pop-up window will appear asking you to allow the use of camera and microphone
According to my own experience, I think pop-up window in browser that asks you for permission when you turn on microphone or video is a really helpful feature, because different video calls platforms use different microphone and video buttons, where in some places microphone and camera are crossed if they are turned off, while in other places crossed buttons means that now they are working and to turn off we should press them. So this pop-up shows really help to understand how this buttons work on a particular website, and help to avoid accidentally turning on microphone or camera
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